Sunday, January 20, 2008

Library Volunteer Training Session Scheduled

There will be a general training session for library volunteers, and anyone interested in volunteering, on Monday, Feb. 4, 6:00-8:00 pm. We will begin with more general tasks, so those volunteers only interested in basics like shelving and processing may be able to leave earlier. Anyone is welcome to attend.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Book Marks - February 2008

Throughout the month of February we will be sponsoring a Give One, Get One Bible Drive. Please bring your old, gently used bibles to church on any Sunday in February. If you do not have a bible and need one, you are welcome to pick from those donated. At the end of the month, all the bibles left will be sent to Metro State Women’s Prison here in Atlanta. Thirty to sixty women arrive at Metro State each week, many of whom have lost their bibles during their incarceration. Our bible donations will be a true gift to them, so plan to bring your extra bibles! We will collect them in the church library prior to worship and in the narthex after worship for every Sunday in February. Donations may also be left in the library during the week or deposited in our book drop.

This month’s bible drive is just the beginning of our activities for the year. For those thinking ahead to the spring, we will be holding a Children & Youth Book Fair on April 27th to grow our collections for those ages. We are interested in your suggestions for books to add to the children and youth collections, so please share your thoughts with us. If you are interested in volunteering with our library ministry, please contact Myka Kennedy Stephens ( We will be holding a brief general training session for all volunteers in February, so be sure to let Myka know if you are interested in attending.