Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Book Marks - January 2008

Happy New Year from your church library! We accomplished a lot of things in the last year. Here are just a few noteworthy items:
* We installed a book return slot in the door, so materials can be returned at any time – even when the library is closed!
* We have several resources now available for the UMW reading program, including Response magazine and New World Outlook.
* Our library catalog is now available online and continues to grow as we catalog more and more books in our collection. The link can be found through the new library page on the church’s website.

Looking forward to 2008, we hope to finish our library handbook, continue cataloging the collection, and offering new resources to meet your needs. If you have any research interests or questions, please feel free to ask Myka Kennedy Stephens. Your church librarian can usually be found in the library on Sunday mornings from 9:45-11:00, and always available via e-mail:

We always welcome suggestions and comments about how we can improve the collection and our library ministry. Hope to be seeing you in the new year!