Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Book Marks - January 2007 - Long Edition

(The original draft of this month's column)

Where we have been
This column marks the first anniversary of "Book Marks" and the completion of the first year of our church library renewal efforts. In this year we have made the library a dedicated information space for use by the entire congregation on Sunday mornings; we have weeded the collection, removing out-of-date, unrelated, and damaged volumes; we acquired a computer system and started an electronic catalog; we collected boks to send to libraries destroyed by 2005's hurricanes; we held a successful summer book sale to raise money for new resources; and we hosted a library open house. This has been a busy and productive year for us, but the work is far from complete.

Where we are going
In 2006 we will be shifting our attention to finishing our library's policy and procedure manual. This will guide our library operations and help us be more efficient, productive, and effective in our library ministry. We will also strive to complete cataloging all library resources and plan to make this information available online. The library would also like to explore program possibilities and is interested in hosting another book sale.

Stay tuned
The most up-to-date information about library goings on is now available on the church library's blog: If you do not have Internet access, keep your eyes on this column and the bulletin board outside the church library. If you have any interest in becoming involved in these activities or have suggestions for the library, please let us know. We would love to hear from you!

Book Marks - January 2007 - Short Edition

(Due to a lack of space in this month's The Story, the column needed to be shortened from its original length)

This column marks the first anniversary of our church library renewal! In this year we made the library into a usable resource for the congregation, cleaning up the shelves and bringing in new materials. It has been a busy and productive year, but the work is far from complete.
In 2007 we plan to finish our library policy & procedure manual, which will guide our operations and help us be a more effective ministry. We are also looking forward to a complete catalog of the collection, as well as book sales and programs.
The most up-to-date information about the library is online at Those without Internet access can read this column and the bulletin board outside the library. The library hopes to see you in the new year!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Leaving Church by Barbara Brown Taylor

Just arrived in our library is Leaving Church: A Memoir of Faith by Barbara Brown Taylor! For more information about this book, visit the following websites:
Barbara Brown Taylor's Website:'s review:
Circuit Rider review:

This will be a popular book, so e-mail us to reserve it!

Book Marks - December 2006

Book Marks is taking a brief respite during the holiday season. It will return in January. Happy Holidays!

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Book Marks - November 2006

Spotlight on Spiritual Resources

We have recently acquired some great new books about prayer and spiritual life. Here are just a few that you may want to check out and read:

Paths to Prayer: Finding Your Own Way to the Presence of God by Patricia D. Brown (BV210.3 .B76 2003) This book is a guide to 40 different types of prayer that will help you discover your prayer type. This book is also on the 2006 Reading List for UMW.

Praying for your Child According to his or her Personality Style by Beth McLendon and Robert A. Rohm (BV4529 .M35 2004) Based on the DISC Model of Human Behavior, this book helps the reader identify the personality type of his/her child and then looks at how their personality impacts the content of prayer.

Seasons of a Family’s Life: Cultivating the Contemplative Spirit at Home by Wendy M. Wright (BV4526.3 .W75 2003) In our increasingly busied society, Wright seeks to help her readers develop spiritual awareness within their families.

Faith Development and Pastoral Care by James W. Fowler (BV4011.6 .F69 1986) A more academic work, this book examines faith development as it relates to community. The MTS Class discussed it in a recent lesson series.

Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People, Dorothy C. Bass, ed. (BV4501 .P64 1997) This book is a collection of essays that examines the ways in which we can live our Christian faith through our everyday activities.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Book Marks - October 2006

New Library Hours:

The library is available for use at any time during the week. Inquire at the church office if the door is locked. A librarian will be available to answer questions and provide assistance on Sunday mornings: 9:45-11:00 and after worship for 15 minutes.

New Look in the Library:

As part of recent efforts to evaluate and make the best use of our building, the library has a new look. We welcome Sunday school secretary Betty Hunnicutt, whose work space has recently been relocated to the library. The furniture has been rearranged to provide a more intimate and study friendly environment and we have also added a table and chairs. The library will no longer be used as a Sunday school meeting space on a regular basis and we invite you to take advantage of that time to stop by and browse or read before worship.

New Acquisitions:

A list of newly acquired books purchased with the proceeds from the book sale will soon be available on the library bulletin board and on the library’s website.

Comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome. Send them to

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Selling old books and buying new ones

Here's a list of all the new books we were able to purchase with the proceeds from our Summer Book Sale. Please stop by and take a look at these great new books, or e-mail us to put them on reserve for you!

Generation to Generation: Family Process in Church and Synagogue by Edwin H. Friedman. Non-fiction call number: BL625.6 .F75 1985

Witness of the Word: A Biblical Theology of the Gospel by Foster R. McCurley & John Reumann. Non-fiction call number: BS543 .M42 1986

Practicing Our Faith: A Way of Life for a Searching People ed. by Dorothy C. Bass. Non-fiction call number: BV4501 .P64 1997

Anchor Bible Series, The Epistles of James, Peter and Jude by Bo Reicke. Non-fiction call number: BS2777 .A3 R45 1964

Anchor Bible Series, Ephesians 1-3 and 4-6 by Markus Barth. Non-fiction call number: BS2693 .B37 1974 v. 1-2

Teaching & Religious Imagination: An Essay in the Theology of Teaching by Maria Harris. Non-fiction call number: BV1534 .H359 1991

Soul Stories: African American Christian Education by Anne Streaty Wimberly. Non-fiction call number: BV1523 .A37 W55 1994

Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life by Robert N. Bellah, et al. Non-fiction call number: E169.12 .H29 1986

Investing for Good: Making Money While Being Socially Responsible by Peter Kinder, Steven D. Lydenberg and Amy L. Domini. Non-fiction call number: HG4910 .K53 1993

Recreating Marriage With the Same Old Spouse: A Guide for Couples by Sandra Gray Bender. Non-fiction call number: HQ734 .B53 1997

Of God and Pelicans: A Theology of Reverence for Life by Jay B. McDaniel. Non-fiction call number: BT696 .M33 1989

Sometimes We Dance, Sometimes We Wrestle: Embracing the Spiritual Growth of Adolescents by Michael Carotta. Non-fiction call number: BV4531.2 .C37 2002

Ministry With Older Persons: A Guide for Clergy and Congregations by Arthur H. Becker. Non-fiction call number: BV4435 .B37 1986

God is Love: Collected Writings by Bishop K. H. Ting. Non-fiction call number: BR1285 .T56 2004

Our Endangered Values by Jimmy Carter. Non-fiction call number: TBA

Alcoholics Anonymous, 3rd edition. Non-fiction call number: TBA

A New Religious America by Diana Eck. Non-fiction call number: TBA
* This title is also on the UMW 2005 Reading List

Paths to Prayer by Patricia Brown. Non-fiction call number: TBA
* This title is also on the UMW 2006 Reading List

Shafted: Free Trade and America's Working Poor by Christine Ahn. Non-fiction call number: TBA
* This title is also on the UMW 2006 Reading List

Spiritual Perspectives on America's Role as Superpower ed. by Skylight Paths. Non-fiction call number: TBA
* This title is also on the UMW 2006 Reading List

Spiritual Perspectives on Globalization, 2nd edition, ed. by Skylight Paths. Non-fiction call number: TBA
* This title is also on the UMW 2005 Reading List

The Epidemic by Robert Shaw. Non-fiction call number: TBA
* This title is also on the UMW 2006 Reading List

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Book Marks - September 2006

We raised over $100 during our July used book sale for the purchase of new materials. Selections will be made during the month of September so look forward to a list of new acquisitions soon. If you have any suggestions, be sure to fill out a request form or send us an e-mail with the publication information.

Featured Materials

The Navy Days (and Years) of Fred A. Skellie, Jr.
Call number: D811 .S54 2006
Fred Skellie has been so kind as to provide the church library with a copy of his writings depicting his Navy experiences during WWII. These writings were the basis of several talks he’s given at Druid Hills UMC in recent years. If you missed his lectures or would like to revisit them, be sure to check out this great new resource.

(Reprinted for the September newsletter)
A Generous Orthodoxy
by Brian McLaren, Zondervan, 2004. Call number: BT60 .M37 2004
“A confession and manifesto from a senior leader in the emerging church movement—A Generous Orthodoxy calls for a radical, Christ-centered orthodoxy of faith and practice in a missional, generous spirit. Brian McLaren argues for a post-liberal, post-conservative, post-protestant convergence that will stimulate lively interest and global conversation among thoughtful Christians from all traditions” (from book jacket). Recommended by Les Scott, who made this acquisition possible.

Comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome. Send them to

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Book Marks - August 2006

Librarian’s News

My roundtable discussion at the American Theological Library Association Annual Conference last month went very well. We had a lively discussion on the merits of and difficulties with ordained theological librarians. While I was at ATLA, I met and spoke with a representative from the Alban Institute. This is a non-profit research organization, largely funded by the Lilly Endowment, whose primary focus is on congregational issues and resources. They have put together website called Congregational Resource Guide ( containing links and articles to information for nearly all aspects of congregational life. They have sent us some brochures, so please pick one up the next time you’re in the library to learn more about this fabulous resource.

New Acquisition!

A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren, Zondervan, 2004. Call number: BT60 .M37 2004

“A confession and manifesto from a senior leader in the emerging church movement—A Generous Orthodoxy calls for a radical, Christ-centered orthodoxy of faith and practice in a missional, generous spirit. Brian McLaren argues for a post-liberal, post-conservative, post-protestant convergence that will stimulate lively interest and global conversation among thoughtful Christians from all traditions” (from book jacket). Recommended by Les Scott, who made this acquisition possible.

Comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome. Send them to

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Book Marks - July 2006

Thank You!

I would like to extend a special thanks to Lynn Hiller and Tricia Thomas who have been helping out in the library. If you would like to join in the fun, please contact us for information about workdays.

Librarian’s News

As I write this, I am traveling to the American Theological Library Association Annual Conference in Chicago, IL. While there I will facilitate a roundtable discussion on issues of theological librarianship and ordained ministry. I’m happy to share my experiences with you, so look for the next Book Marks column or come and ask me the next time you see me

Summer Reading

Read anything good this summer? Think someone else at church might enjoy it? Let the church library know so we can include it in our collection. Request forms are available on the table in the library.

Comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome. Send them to

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Book Marks - June 2006

Who Was William D. Thomson? by Lydia O’Nan

Mr. William Danner Thomson (1876-1952) was a native Atlantan who, along with Bishop Warren A. Candler and Asa G. Candler, was most responsible for the creation of Emory University. He was primarily responsible for the wording of the University’s charter that was granted January 25, 1915. For 38 years he served Emory in many capacities, including as the University’s legal counsel.

Mr. Will, as he was affectionately called, was one of the South’s leading Methodist laymen. For many years he was the superintendent of the Sunday School at Druid Hills Methodist Church. The church library is named for him. His contributions extended to other communities in DeKalb County. He gave the land for the W.D. Thomson Park on Mason Mill Road and for the W. D. Thomson Elementary School.

New Acquisitions

Checking out books is easy! Come by the library and peruse our fabulous new acquisitions, including these titles:

Discerning the Divine: God in Christian Theology, by Barry L. Callen; BT103 .C35 2004

Being Methodist in the Bible Belt: A Theological Survival Guide for Youth, Parents, and Other Confused Methodists, by F. Belton Joyner Jr.; BX8382.2 .Z5 J69 2004

Seasons of a Family’s Life: Cultivating the Contemplative Spirit at Home, by Wendy M. Wright; BV4526.3 .W75 2003

Comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome. Send them to

Friday, April 14, 2006

Book Marks - May 2006

READY FOR CHECK OUT! By the time this is printed, the library will be up and running with books ready to be perused, checked out, and returned. But the work is far from finished. Please stop by the library before or after worship to take a look at our resources and perhaps you’ll find something interesting or helpful.

THINKING ABOUT FALL: Planning Sunday school lessons or circle meetings? Have a particular book or resource in mind? Let the Library know what it is! Fill out a Request Form with the information you have and we’ll do our best to acquire it and let you know when its available.

Check for regular news and updates!

Comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome. Send them to


In lieu of our usual review, this month’s column features a list of some recent acquisitions with their subject headings and call numbers:

Parables from the Back Side: Bible Stories with a Twist by J. Ellsworth Kalas; Jesus Christ—Parables—Sermons; Methodist Church—Sermons; Sermons, American; BT375.2 .K33 1991

The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? by Rick Warren; Christian life; BV4501.3 .W37 2002

Major United Methodist Beliefs by Mack B. Stokes; United Methodist Church (U.S.)—Doctrines; Methodist Church—United States—Doctrines; BX8332 .S685 1989

The Gospel According to Harry Potter: Spirituality in the Stories of the World’s Most Famous Seeker by Connie Neal; Rowling, J.K.—Religion; Christian fiction, English—History and criticism; Children’s stories, English—History and criticism; PR6068.O93 Z78 2002

What’s a Christian to do with Harry Potter? by Connie Neal; Christianity and other religions—New Age movement; New Age movement—Relations—Christianity; Potter, Harry (Fictitious character); BR128.N48 N43 2001

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Book Marks - April 2006

RESOURCES NOW AVAILABLE: The work has begun in making new resources available! The library subscribes to several United Methodist-related online publications, which are being printed and placed in the library for your reading pleasure.

OUR PROGRESS: There will be at least one or two workdays scheduled in the next month to tidy up the room and “weed” the collection. If you would like to assist with this work, please contact Myka for more information and watch for further announcements.

UPCOMING EVENTS: Mark your calendars for the library’s Open House on April 30. All are encouraged to stop by and take a tour of the newly organized collection. Short presentations will be given on the library’s arrangement and circulation procedures. Check for regular news and updates!

Comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome. Send them to

WEBSITE REVIEW UM Power – Empowering United Methodists For Faithful Action; Maintained by the General Board of Church and Society, UM Power is a helpful resource and informational tool for anyone wanting to become involved in the legislative process. It offers a list of current bills before Congress as well as the results of bills on which Congress has already voted. Information on current bills includes a short description, its status, and the position of the UMC. Unfortunately, the most of the positions are simply stated without any theological rationale. For some bills, references are made to our Social Principles or the Book of Resolutions. The listing for each bill is accompanied by a “Take Action” link that directs the user to a letter-writing page. A sample letter for that specific piece of legislation is provided with options to send it by e-mail, fax or print to your elected officials. First time users will be asked to join the site – providing your name and address will help the site identify your elected officials. The site also includes Action Center, which provides links to the more urgent issues requiring action. This website has the potential to make tracking legislation and affecting social change easy, simple and feasible for United Methodists. I highly recommend visiting this site.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Book Marks - March 2006

THANK YOU to all who contributed to the Just One Book children’s book drive. We collected nearly 40 books that will be sent to schools damaged by the hurricanes. If you missed the drive or have more books you’d like to give, send them to: Just One Book, 481 Jasmine Ridge Road, Wetumpka, AL 36093. Visit for more information.

LIBRARIAN’S NEWS: On February 4 I attended the mid-winter meeting of the Metro Atlanta Chapter, Church and Synagogue Library Association. I joined CSLA in 2005, but this was my first opportunity to attend a meeting. The workshop was about starting and restarting a church library. I came away with lots of great tips, suggestions and ideas for our library. It was also a great opportunity for me to meet other church librarians in the area.

MISSION STATEMENT: The mission and purpose of the William D. Thomson Library at Druid Hills UMC is to support the church as it is called to embody a resurrection faith. It seeks to enhance the church’s ministry by helping individuals develop an understanding of the Christian faith and by providing resources for disciple making.

UPCOMING EVENTS: By the time of publication, we will have a presence on the DHUMC website: We are also busy setting up an automated library system using a freeware program called Koha. Future events to look forward to are an open house at the end of March and a summer reading book fair in late April/early May. Check the website and/or bulletin board outside the library for these and other items of interest.

Comments, questions, and suggestions are always welcome. Send them to


Readings for Lent and Easter. The Upper Room, 1993. BV85 .R43 1993 This is a collection of devotionals for the Lenten season taken from the archives of The Upper Room. Readings for each day are combined with Scripture quotations. An appendix in the back contains questions for thoughtful discussion. This book will soon be available for circulation!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Book Marks - February 2006

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita destroyed a lot of things, including a lot of books. Just One Book is an organization trying to help the schools in the St. Martin Community, Southern Mississippi by rebuilding their libraries one book at a time. A list of books that are most needed can be found on their website, Bring your donations to the church library, marked “Just One Book”, and they will be sent to this community. For questions about this campaign, contact

Work in the church library is underway. Here are some things to look for in the near future:

  • A bulletin board displaying library news and happenings as well as reading recommendations and news of recent publications.
  • A presence on, including a searchable catalog of library holdings.

Would you like to help renew our church library? Consider these options:

  • DONATE books from your personal library or money to help purchase new books. Donations for new books can be made in the honor or memory of someone special and will be recognized with a special bookplate.
  • VOLUNTEER to help with organization and clean-up in the library.
  • ADVISE – show your interest in renewing the church library by sharing what you’d like to see in it!

Send your comments, suggestions and questions to church librarian Myka Kennedy Stephens,


Finding God in the Singing River: Christianity, Spirit, Nature. Wallace, Mark I. Fortress, 2005. $16.00

“Wallace retrieves a central but often neglected biblical theme--the idea of God as carnal Spirit who indwells all things--as the basis for constructing a "green spirituality" responsive to the environmental needs of our time. In the biblical tradition, he writes, God as Spirit is a presence that shows itself to us daily by living in and through the earth. One message of Christianity is therefore celebration of the bodily, material world--ancient redwoods, vernal springs, broad-winged hawks, everyday pigweed--as the place that God indwells and cares for in order to maintain the well being of the earth. Wallace's bold yet careful work reawakens our sense of the sacrality of the earth and the life that the trinitarian God creates there.” (from Cokesbury)

Want to contribute toward the purchase of this book? Please make your check payable to Druid Hills UMC, marked “library fund.”