Friday, January 26, 2007

New UM Blog available

We received the following e-mail announcement from UM NeXus, an online United Methodist publication whose most recent issues can be found in print form in the church library:

In honor of UM NeXus' first anniversary, a new blog, "Thursday's Children," starts this week on the UM NeXus Blog site, along with a blogroll highlighting other interesting sites by United Methodists.

UM NeXus Editor Cynthia B. Astle writes "Thursday's Children", whose title is based on the old nursery rhyme ("Thursday's child has far to go"). Each week she'll post news that can't wait for the weekly UM NeXus deadline,
and also take readers behind the scenes of NeXus' editorial philosophy and workings. Readers can post comments as well.

The new NeXus Blogroll begins with "Howe About," an insightful column by the Rev. Leroy Howe, retired professor from Perkins School of Theology. This issue links to Dr. Howe's insights about the proposed George W. Bush Presidential Library at Southern Methodist University, where Perkins is located. Readers are invited to submit links to their favorite blogs by emailing with "Blogroll" in the subject line.

Published by the Boston Wesleyan Association, UM NeXus remains committed to its editorial mission: To serve as a forum for news, context and commentary, open to all United Methodists concerned with issues and events facing the church. Join the conversation!

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